2024 Keynote Speaker

NCVAA is proud to host Representative Hoan Huynh as our 2024 Keynote Speaker.

Representative Huynh will address the attendees of the 18th Annual Conference at our Saturday Night Gala.

About Hoan Huynh

Photo of Hoan Huynh with American Flag to the left behind him

State Representative Hoan Huynh (pronounced Hahn Win) (pronouns: he/him/his) (Democrat, IL-13, Chicago) is a community leader, tech entrepreneur, and small business advocate representing Illinois' 13th State House District, covering Northside Chicago and the Lakefront.

Representative Hoan Huynh is the first Vietnamese American elected in Illinois' state history of 204 years; the first refugee elected in Illinois; the first Asian American to represent Chicago Northside lakefront in the General Assembly; and the Vietnamese American elected in the Midwest. His legislative priorities include expansion of economic opportunity, jobs creation, environmental justice, protecting reproductive healthcare, immigrant/refugee, and LGBTQ+ rights, public safety and gun violence prevention, affordable housing, transit infrastructure, and expanding mental health access.

He earned a bachelor’s degree from Yale University, a master’s degree from Harvard University, and completed additional coursework at University of Cambridge.